I woke up from a dream where I checked the spreadsheet with my stacked schedule. My dreams often reflect what I’ve been spending a lot of time with; sometimes I dream about cycling road in Pokémon games, sometimes I dream about Michael Emerson in Evil kidnapping my children, sometimes I dream about my Twitter feed. When this happens, I know I need to step back from whatever it is. It’s funny that I didn’t really dream about the show, rather the sort of operations busywork around it, which means I can watch to my heart’s content! When it comes to the writing, though, it’s time for a break. It might just be a few days, but I’ll figure it out. I made it this far! And I do want to keep going. It might just turn into bullet points for a few days. I’ve written a short books worth of essays in such a short amount of time…
Main takeaway about each episode:
In 1.08 “Bugs,” there’s a scene where Sam and Dean are trapped in an attic with a bunch of bees. These bees were real! And then the real bees didn’t show up on camera well, so they CGI’d the bees in anyway. So they subjected those guys to real bees for no reason! Awesome.
This is an episode that Nico and I talk about almost constantly. Who knows why. I was tempted to just search through our WhatsApp and post screenshots for the newsletter instead of writing anything.
Almost 20 years later, 9-1-1 would heavily feature bees in the season 8 premiere. Those bees weren’t real! OBviously!!!!!!
Nothing I could say about 3.06 can beat Sheila O’Malley’s perfect essay on Jensen Ackles.
The fact that Mary Winchester is supposed to be 30 and yet she’s dating old man Apocalypse World!Bobby is why I never remember 14.05!!!!! There is some sweet stuff between her and Sam, though, and some good Dean self-actualizing in the face of daddyissues stuff, though.
Does it stack? Yes!
We get Commentary on John’s Parenting through-line in each episode <3 Denial, avoidance, and overcoming. a perfect arc!